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Renew and replenish your skin with an advanced therapeutic treatment by PCA SKIN™ products. Let your skin find its recovery and luminosity with the peels and treatments featured below.

PCA chemical peels are performed by licensed and experienced PCA-certified estheticians. Peels range in intensity from gentle to stronger levels. During consultation, we will recommend you the right peel and treatment plan for you to follow based on your concerns and current skin condition. PCA peels contain AHAs, alphahydroxy acids found in fruit and milk that provide long-lasting moisture for your skin. They are designed to exfoliate, firm, smooth and balance out your complexion, revealing youthful and healthy skin. For desired results, more than one treatment may be necessary.

*Please keep in mind that Jessner and TCA peels do require a professional consultation with an esthetician at least 2 weeks prior to a peel treatment. We want to best prepare your skin for the exfoliation it will go under and also guide you towards a suitable, customized skin routine to avoid any possible complications.

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